Abstract |
How to order |
Delivery |
Payment |
Returns & Exchanges |
Commercial use |
Others |
☆ | You can buy at our shop 24hours / 365 days. 您可以 24 小时 / 365 天在本店购买商品。 | ||
☆ | We can deliver our items ONLY IN JAPAN. We recommend to use some transfer-service in Japan. 我们只在日本国内配送商品。 我们建议您使用日本的转运服务。 | ||
☆ | Feel free to contact us by e-mail. 请随时通过电子邮件与我们联系。 net@yuwafabrics.com |
※ | Nekopos delivery will be available unless you specify it in the comment section when ordering. It will not be automatically delivered by Nekopos. Thank you for your understanding. (The reason is that there are many customers who want a courier service for the specified delivery date and time.) 除非您在订购时在评论部分指定,否则将提供 Nekopos 送货服务。 它不会由 Nekopos 自动交付。 感谢您的理解。 (原因是有许多客户希望在指定的交货日期和时间获得快递服务。 ) | ||
※ | You can shop 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 您可以一年 365 天、每天 24 小时购物。 | ||
※ | After payment is completed, we usually try to ship within 5 business days. However, if orders are concentrated, delivery may be delayed before and after large holidays. Thank you for your understanding. 付款完成后,我们通常会尝试在 5 个工作日内发货。 但是,如果订单集中,则在大型假期之前和之后交货可能会延迟。 感谢您的理解。 | ||
※ | Orders and inquiries received outside of business hours will be replied to sequentially from the next business day. 在营业时间以外收到的订单和查询将从下一个工作日开始依次回复。 |
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step1 | Select the product of your choice/选择您喜欢的产品 | ||
Please choose the desired product and quantity. 请选择所需的产品和数量。 | |||
The listed price of the fabric is per 10 cm. You can order in increments of 10 cm over 50 cm. Depending on the product, the unit may differ, so please see the product page for details. 面料的标价为每10厘米。 您可以在 50 厘米以上以 10 厘米的增量订购。根据产品的不同,设备可能会有所不同,因此请参阅产品页面了解详细信息。 | |||
step2 | Product purchase page/产品购买页面 | ||
Click "買い物カゴに入れる" 点击 "買い物かごに入れる" | |||
step3 | Confirmation of purchase details/确认购买详情 | ||
You will be redirected to the purchase confirmation page. 您将被重定向到购买确认页面。 | |||
If you want to continue shopping, please click the "お買い物を続ける" Return to the product page. 如果您想继续购物,请点击“お買い物を続ける”。 返回产品页面。 | |||
step4 | Input form/输入表单 | ||
When shopping is finished, if you have already registered as a member, enter your email address and password. Click on the "入力フォームに進む". If you want to register as a new member, click the "会員登録", and if you shop without registering, Click on the "入力フォームに進む" at the bottom. 购物完成后,如果您已经注册为会员,请输入您的电子邮件地址和密码。 点击“入力フォームに進む”。 如果您想注册为新会员,请点击“会員登録”,如果您在未注册的情况下购物, 点击底部的“入力フォームに進む”。 | |||
step5 | Verify your buyer information/验证您的买家信息 | ||
Please make sure that the registered purchaser's information is correct. 请确保注册购买者的信息正确无误。 | |||
▼ | |||
Payment method selection/付款方式选择 | |||
▼ | |||
Specify the desired delivery date/指定所需的交货日期 | |||
If you have a desired delivery time, please select the desired date and time. (We accept within 14 days after 5 business days from the order) If you do not specify the delivery date and time, we will ship as soon as the shipping work is completed. If you would like the shortest delivery, we recommend that you do not specify it. 如果您有所需的交货时间,请选择所需的日期和时间。 (我们在订单后 5 个工作日后的 14 天内接受) 如果您没有指定交货日期和时间,我们将在运输工作完成后立即发货。 如果您想要最短的交货时间,我们建议您不要指定。 | |||
(Please note that we may not be able to meet your request due to various circumstances.) (请注意,由于各种情况,我们可能无法满足您的要求。 | |||
* If the payment is made by bank transfer, it will be specified after 3 business days after payment is confirmed. For details, please refer to "お支払について/銀行振込". * 如果通过银行转账付款,将在确认付款后的 3 个工作日后指定。 有关详细信息,请参阅“お支払について/銀行振込”。 | |||
▼ | |||
Choosing a delivery address/选择送货地址 | |||
If you would like to have it delivered to a home other than the one you registered, please enter the required items. 如果您想将其运送到您注册的家庭以外的家庭,请输入必填项目。 | |||
* We will enclose a statement stating the purchase price. * If the delivery address is different, the amount will not be listed. (Except in the case of cash on delivery) * 我们将附上一份声明,说明购买价格。 * 如果收货地址不同,金额将不会列出。 (货到付款的情况除外) | |||
* Limited to Japan. * 仅限于日本。 | |||
▼ | |||
Final confirmation page/最终确认页面 | |||
step6 | Confirmation of order details/确认订单详情 | ||
After checking the contents of the ordered product, quantity, entered data, etc. Click on the "注文する" 在检查了订购产品的内容、数量、输入的数据等后。 点击”注文する”。 | |||
step7 | Order Completed/订单已完成 | ||
When your order is completed, we will automatically send you an order completion email. At this point, your order has not yet been confirmed. 当您的订单完成后,我们将自动向您发送订单完成电子邮件。 此时,您的订单尚未得到确认。 | |||
After confirming the contents at our company, your order will be confirmed with an order confirmation email that will be delivered directly. Prepare for delivery. This is an important notice to our customers, so please be sure to check the contents. * We cannot accept changes or additional orders after the confirmation email. Thank you for your understanding. 在我们公司确认内容后,您的订单将通过订单确认电子邮件进行确认,该电子邮件将直接发送。 准备交货。 这是对我们客户的重要通知,因此请务必检查内容。 * 确认电子邮件后,我们无法接受更改或额外订单。 感谢您的理解。 |
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◇About the delivery/关于交货 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
We try to ship within 5 business days from the date we receive your order. (However, please note that shipping may be delayed if orders are concentrated or around consecutive holidays.) ) If you do not receive the product within 10 days or more after payment, please contact us using the inquiry form. >お問い合わせフォーム * In the case of a long vacation, it may take longer than the above. * When making an inquiry, please be sure to enter your name, phone number, and order number. 我们尝试在收到您的订单之日起 5 个工作日内发货。 (但是,请注意,如果订单集中或连续假期前后,发货可能会延迟。 ) 如果您在付款后 10 天或更长时间内未收到产品,请使用咨询表与我们联系。 >お問い合わせフォーム *在长假的情况下,可能需要比上述更长的时间。 * 查询时,请务必输入您的姓名、电话号码和订单号。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
◇Delivery Areas | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
We can deliver our items ONLY IN JAPAN. We recommend to use some transfer-service in Japan. 我们只在日本国内配送商品。 我们建议您使用日本的转运服务。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
☆Takkyu-Bin☆(by YAMATO TRANSPORT CO. LTD) * If the total number of meters in your order is large, we may switch to delivery by Sagawa Express. * 如果您订单中的仪表总数较多,我们可能会改用佐川快递(Sagawa Express)送货。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
◇Postage/邮资 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
* The cash on delivery fee is 330 yen including tax nationwide. * For customers who purchase a product price of 11,000 yen or more including tax, shipping fee and cash on delivery fee will be charged. We will make it free. * When you place an order in the shopping cart, the shipping fee for your region will be displayed. * A fee will be charged for each delivery at one time. * Overseas shipping is NOT available. * 偏远岛屿和某些地区可能会产生额外的运费。 * 货到付款费用为全国 330 日元(含税)。 * 对于购买商品价格为 11,000 日元或以上的客户,将收取税费、运费和货到付款费。 我们将免费提供它。 * 当您在购物车中下订单时,将显示您所在地区的运费。 * 每次送货将一次性收取费用。 * 不提供海外运输。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
☆Nekopos☆(by YAMATO Transport CO. LTD) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
JAPAN Nationwide uniform 280 yen / post-in delivery □ After checking the delivery conditions (Nekopos delivery possible or not listed on the product page), please enter your request in the comment field. After confirming your order, we will revise the shipping fee. 日本全国统一280日元/进货配送 □ 检查交货条件(Nekopos 交货可能或产品页面上未列出)后,请在评论字段中输入您的请求。 确认您的订单后,我们将修改运费。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
※Attention/小心※ □In the case of fabrics sold in cuts, the total order quantity is possible up to 150 cm, except for some wide and thick fabrics. (Example: 10 pieces = 1 piece × 100 cm per product, 5 pieces = 2 pieces × 50 cm per product) If you order a larger quantity, it will be automatically changed to TA-Q-BIN. Along with this, a shipping fee will be charged according to the delivery address. □ if there is a display of "50 cm single item", it is a product that can be handled if it is only 5 points = 50 cm single item. □ If there is a display of "100 cm single item", it is a product that can be handled if only 10 points = 100 cm single item. □ if there is a display of "150 cm single item", it is a product that can be handled if it is only 15 points = 50 cm single item. □Even if it is a fabric products, that are not allowed for Nekopos, cannot be used with it. Only one item can be delivered per order, except for fabrics. □If you order two or more items, or at the same time as the fabric, it will be changed to TA-Q-BIN. □ In any case, if you cannot ship with Nekopos, it will be changed to a courier service. □ It takes 2~6 days from the shipping date to be delivered. If you are in a hurry, please use TA-Q-BIN. □ Nekopos size (31.2 cm× 22.8 cm × thickness 2.5 cm) fits in your mailbox at home. Please check before applying. □ Delivery will be completed at post-in. It is not possible to specify the delivery date and time. □We are not responsible for non-arrival or loss after shipping. Please contact Yamato Transport directly. □You can only pay by credit card or bank transfer. If you choose cash on delivery, it will be changed to TA-Q-BIN. □ We do not accept shipments of one order in two or more copies by Nekopos. It will be shipped by courier service at once. If you wish, please order multiple times in an amount that fits within one Nekopos. □在以切割方式出售的面料的情况下,总订购量可能达到 150 厘米,但一些宽而厚的面料除外。 (例如:10 件 = 1 件×每件商品 100 厘米,5 件 = 2 件× 50 厘米) 如果您订购的数量较大,它将自动更改为 TA-Q-BIN。 除此之外,还将根据送货地址收取运费。 □如果有“50厘米单件商品”的展示,如果只有5分=50厘米单品,那就是可以处理的产品。 □ 如果有“100厘米单件商品”的展示,则仅10分=100厘米单件商品即可处理的产品。 □如果有“150厘米单件商品”的展示,则仅为15分=50厘米单品即可处理的产品。 □即使是织物产品,Nekopos不允许使用,也不能与它一起使用。 每个订单只能交付一件商品,面料除外。 □如果您订购两件或更多商品,或与面料同时订购,则将更改为TA-Q-BIN。 □ 在任何情况下,如果您无法使用 Nekopos 发货,它将更改为快递服务。 □ 从发货日期起需要2~6天才能交货。如果您赶时间,请使用 TA-Q-BIN。 □ Nekopos 尺寸 (31.2 厘米× 22.8 厘米×厚度 2.5 厘米) 适合您在家中的邮箱。 请在申请前进行检查。 □ 送货将在邮寄时完成。无法指定交货日期和时间。 □对于未到达或发货后的丢失,我们概不负责。 请直接与雅玛多运输联系。 □您只能通过信用卡或银行转账付款。 如果您选择货到付款,它将更改为 TA-Q-BIN。 □ 我们不接受 Nekopos 将一个订单分两份或更多份装运。 它将立即通过快递服务发货。如果您愿意,请以适合一个 Nekopos 的金额多次订购。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
◎If you want to be sure that you will receive the product, we recommend using TA-Q-BIN◎ ◎如果您想确保收到产品,我们建议您使用 TA-Q-BIN◎ |
We offer three payment methods. 我们提供三种付款方式。 | |
![]() | |
The price of the displayed product includes consumption tax, etc. 展示产品的价格包括消费税等。 |
☆ After your order is confirmed, you will be automatically redirected to the payment screen. Please do not close your browser. ☆ 订单确认后,您将被自动重定向到付款屏幕。 请不要关闭您的浏览器。 The following cards are accepted: 接受以下卡:
● "Total payment" is the sum of the product price (tax included) + shipping fee (tax included). There is no separate fee. ●We do not offer a "credit card receipt". Please check the "Usage Statement" sent by your credit card company. The card number is encrypted before it is transmitted. Don't worry. ● We will connect to the payment screen after confirming your order. * If you are using a browser that does not support TLS 1.0 (Internet Explorer 6 or earlier), There is a possibility that you will not be transferred to the payment screen. In that case, please change the payment method. * The use of credit cards is limited to shopping at online shops due to the system. * If you press the back button or close the browser without completing the payment, or in the case of a payment error, You will receive an order completion email, but the payment has not been completed. After canceling, you need to place a new order, pay by credit card, or change your payment method. For details, please contact us using the inquiry form. >お問い合わせフォーム ● 付款次数为“一次性付款”。 ●“全额付款”是产品价格(含税)+运费(含税)的总和。 没有单独的费用。 ●我们不提供“信用卡收据”。 请检查您的信用卡公司发送的“使用声明”。 卡号在传输之前会被加密。 不用担心。 ● 确认您的订单后,我们将连接到付款屏幕。 * 如果您使用的浏览器不支持 TLS 1.0(Internet Explorer 6 或更早版本), 您可能无法被转到付款屏幕。 在这种情况下,请更改付款方式。 * 由于系统的原因,信用卡的使用仅限于在网上商店购物。 * 如果您在未完成付款的情况下按下返回按钮或关闭浏览器,或者在付款错误的情况下, 您将收到一封订单完成电子邮件,但付款尚未完成。 取消后,您需要重新下订单、使用信用卡付款或更改付款方式。 有关详细信息,请使用查询表与我们联系。 >お問い合わせフォーム |
【Transfer address】 | Mizuho Bank * The account number will be written in the order confirmation email) 瑞穗银行 * 帐号将写在订单确认电子邮件中) | |
【Remarks】 | ●● "Total payment" is the total of the product price (including tax) + shipping fee (including tax) + transfer fee. ●We apologize for the inconvenience, but please bear the transfer fee at the customer's expense. ● As soon as payment is confirmed, we will ship the product. (Payment will be made in advance.) ) ● Please make sure that the transfer name is the same as the person who placed the order. If it is different, please enter your order number in the correspondence field. ● If you do not receive payment within 7 days of the notification of the payment account and cannot be contacted, Your order will be cancelled. ● If you specify the delivery date, by 3 business days before the desired delivery date by 3 business days before 15 o'clock Please make a payment. ● The account number will be notified on the next business day after the order. Please be careful when specifying a date. * If payment cannot be confirmed by the above date, the designation of the delivery date will be invalid. ● “总付款”是指产品价格(含税)+运费(含税)+转让费的总和。 ●对于给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意,但请承担转账费用,费用由客户承担。 ● 一旦确认付款,我们将立即发货。 (将提前付款。 ) ● 请确保转账名称与下订单的人相同。 如果不同,请在通信字段中输入您的订单号。 ● 如果您在付款账户通知后 7 天内未收到付款且无法联系到, 您的订单将被取消。 ●如果您指定交货日期,则在期望的交货日期前3个工作日前15点 请付款。 ● 账户号码将在下单后的下一个工作日通知。 指定日期时请小心。 * 如果在上述日期之前无法确认付款,则交货日期的指定将无效。 |
【Shipping Carrier】 | TA-Q-BIN (Yamato Transport) | ![]() ![]() | |
【Remarks】 | ● The total amount of payment will be the sum of the product price (including tax) + shipping fee (including tax) + cash on delivery fee (including tax) of 330 yen. * If you purchase more than 11,000 yen including tax, the cash on delivery fee is "free". ● Please pay the price to the delivery person at the time of delivery of the product. * It cannot be used in the case of Nekopos delivery. ● 付款总额为产品价格(含税)+运费(含税)+货到付款费(含税)之和,为330日元。 * 如果您购买的含税金额超过 11,000 日元,则货到付款费用为“免费”。 ● 请在产品交付时向送货员支付价款。 * 它不能在 Nekopos 交付的情况下使用。 | ||
*If you don't receive/如果您没有收到* When you place an order by cash on delivery, the sales contract has been concluded. Cancellations due to refusal of receipt are not possible. If the product is returned to us without receiving it, the actual cost of the round-trip fare, We will charge you for various expenses such as cash on delivery fee and packing fee. After that, we may not be able to accept orders from the same customer. Thank you for your understanding. 当您通过货到付款下订单时,销售合同已经签订。 由于拒绝收货而取消预订是不可能的。 如果产品在未收到的情况下退回给我们,则往返票价的实际成本, 我们将向您收取各种费用,例如货到付款费和包装费。 之后,我们可能无法接受来自同一客户的订单。 感谢您的理解。 | |||
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・ | Due to the nature of the cloth product, we cut it each time in the ordered quantity. We do not accept returns or exchanges due to customer's convenience, such as a difference from the image or a mistake in the order quantity. If you have any questions, please contact us using the inquiry form before shopping.>お問い合わせフォーム 由于布料产品的性质,我们每次都按订购的数量进行切割。 由于客户的方便,我们不接受退货或换货,例如与图片的差异或订单数量错误。 如果您有任何问题,请在购物前使用查询表与我们联系。>お問い合わせフォーム |
・ | Please check the delivery contents as soon as possible after delivery. If the product is wrong, scratched or dirty, please let us know within 7 days of arrival. We will replace it immediately. In addition, we may not be able to accept returns and exchanges after passing water or cutting. 交货后请尽快检查交货内容。 如果产品有错误、划痕或脏污,请在到达后 7 天内告知我们。 我们将立即更换它。 此外,我们可能无法接受通过水或切割后的退货和换货。 |
※ | Please check before contacting us/请在联系我们之前进行检查 |
・ | We strive to make the product image as close to the actual product as possible, but it is strongly dependent on the browsing environment such as your monitor and browser, and may differ slightly from the actual product. Please understand before ordering. 我们努力使产品图像尽可能接近实际产品,但它在很大程度上取决于您的显示器和浏览器等浏览环境,并且可能与实际产品略有不同。 下单前请谅解。 |
・ | Hemp products have a unique nep, and depending on the type of hemp, fluff may appear when washing. We hope you will enjoy the texture, including hemp and wrinkles unique to hemp. 麻产品具有独特的棉结,根据麻的类型,洗涤时可能会出现绒毛。 我们希望您会喜欢这种质地,包括大麻和大麻特有的皱纹。 |
・ | Natural materials such as cotton and linen may shrink when washed. In addition, color fading due to washing and friction is unavoidable, so please understand. 棉和亚麻等天然材料在洗涤时可能会收缩。 此外,由于洗涤和摩擦而导致的褪色是不可避免的,因此请理解。 |
・ | Due to the nature of the elastic product of cloth, there may be a slight diagonal line in the print. In particular, those with side-by-side designs are conspicuous. Thank you for your patience. 由于布料弹性产品的性质,印刷品中可能会有轻微的对角线。 特别是那些并排设计的,很显眼。 感谢您的耐心等待。 |
・ | Due to differences in the lot of the fabric (when and where the thread was removed) and subtle deviations at the time of dyeing, even the same product There will be a difference in color and texture. Please be aware of this before purchasing. 由于织物批次的差异(何时何地去除线)以及染色时的细微偏差,即使是相同的产品 颜色和质地会有所不同。 请在购买前了解这一点。 |
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・ Commercial use is regardless of whether it is an individual or a corporation.
We believe that it is to use the design of the fabric to make a profit.
・ For the original design fabric of YUWA Shoten Co., Ltd.,
In general, it can be used for commercial purposes.
Please use it for your work.
・ Products with some alphabet in the product number
There may be restrictions on commercial use.
Please read the table below.
Even if you don't apply to the above generalizations,
If there is a wording such as "not for commercial use" in the ear part of the fabric,
Commercial use is prohibited.
・ For other inquiries regarding commercial use, please contact the
Please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form. Typical example (example) Please contact us each time if it is not noted. )
・对于YUWA Shoten Co., Ltd.的原始设计面料,
请随时使用咨询表与我们联系。 典型例子(example) 如果没有注明,请每次与我们联系。 )
Item No. | Advisability | Remarks |
Only numbers | ○ | YUWA original designed |
including"CR" | × | Cabbages & Roses designed |
including"NJ" "JN" | × | Mr. Junichi Nakahara designed (中原淳一先生) |
Other alphabets | ○ | Basically, it can be used for commercial purposes. About fabrics Mr./Ms. designers and artists, He was involved in the sewing of the handmade work. Please display it so that it does not cause misunderstanding. (e.g., "pouch using design fabric") 基本上,它可以用于商业目的。 关于面料 设计师和艺术家先生/女士, 他参与了手工制作的缝纫工作。 请展示它,以免引起误解。 (例如,“使用设计面料的袋子”) |
・ | Since we share inventory at multiple stores, even ordered products may be out of stock. In that case, we will contact you promptly, so please forgive us. 由于我们在多家商店共享库存,因此即使是订购的产品也可能缺货。 在这种情况下,我们会及时与您联系,因此请原谅我们。 |
・ | When preparing the ordered product, it may be out of stock due to unexpected defects. In that case, we will contact you again, so please understand. 在准备订购的产品时,可能会因意外缺陷而缺货。 在这种情况下,我们将再次与您联系,敬请谅解。 |
・ | When we confirm your order, we will send you an email confirming the contents. We will send you important contents such as amount, delivery method, transfer address, and other notices. Please be sure to check it. In addition, depending on the settings such as mail filters and junk mailboxes on the customer side, You may not receive it in your inbox. Please be careful. 当我们确认您的订单时,我们将向您发送一封电子邮件以确认内容。 我们将向您发送重要内容,例如金额、送货方式、转账地址和其他通知。 请务必检查一下。 此外,根据客户端的邮件过滤器和垃圾邮件邮箱等设置, 您可能不会在收件箱中收到它。 请小心。 |
・ | After confirming your order, we will start the cutting work promptly, so we cannot accept changes or cancellations after the order is confirmed. 确认您的订单后,我们将立即开始切割工作,因此订单确认后我们无法接受更改或取消。 |
・ | If you would like to combine additional orders with your previous order, please be sure to leave them in the comments section. Please enter the order number you wish to include. We may not be able to accept requests for the inclusion of additional orders after the order confirmation email is delivered. In addition, since orders are managed for each store, we do not accept simultaneous delivery across multiple stores in principle. 如果您想将额外的订单与之前的订单合并,请务必将它们留在评论部分。 请输入您希望包含的订单号。 在订单确认电子邮件送达后,我们可能无法接受包含额外订单的请求。 此外,由于订单是针对每家店铺进行管理的,因此我们原则上不接受跨多个店铺同时配送。 |
・ | If you have any questions about the availability of the product you are looking for, please use the inquiry form.>お問い合わせフォーム In that case, you will need to clearly state the product number or an image that identifies the product. Please send the image by e-mail (info@yuwafabrics.e-biss.jp) 如果您对正在寻找的产品的可用性有任何疑问,请使用查询表。>お問い合わせフォーム 在这种情况下,您需要清楚地说明产品编号或识别产品的图像。 请通过电子邮件发送图片 (info@yuwafabrics.e-biss.jp) |
・ | We do not provide samples of products. Thank you for your understanding. 我们不提供产品样品。 感谢您的理解。 |
・ | We do not accept gift wrapping. Thank you for your understanding. 我们不接受礼品包装。 感谢您的理解。 |
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